17th Integrity Newsletter

26 June 2020

The World Customs Organization (WCO) is delighted to introduce this 17th edition of the Integrity Newsletter.  We wish to thank to all the Members having contributed news articles on their Integrity promotion and corruption prevention efforts.

Customs is playing an increasingly prominent role in the protection of society, with greater focus on safety and security, particularly related to the fight against terrorism, fragile borders and passenger controls, as well as on trade facilitation and revenue collection.  These roles cannot be performed without high levels of Integrity and professional ethics not only inside Customs, but also within the entire Customs environment.  WCO Member governments and Customs administrations must respond adequately to the challenges currently posed by corruption.  Methods and measures to combat corruption are also taking new forms and must be considered in order to combat effectively this negative phenomenon.

This edition features new initiatives, measures, practices and Integrity/anti-corruption programmes implemented to promote Integrity and fight corruption in the Customs Administrations of Angola, Guatemala, Hungary, the Russian Federation and India.

Readers will also have an opportunity to learn about the Integrity and Customs Strategy of the Federal Administration of Public Revenue of Argentina (AFIP) and about a global approach to Integrity at the Belgian Customs and Excise Administration within the Federal Public Service (FPS) Finance.

This edition contains interesting articles on a Danish Customs initiative to promote Integrity in the organization’s processes and in employees’ behaviour, and on Integrity awareness-raising for Malagasy Customs officers through the publication of the Customs Officer’s Kit.

In addition, readers will find out the programme to galvanize ethical values and combat corruption in Moroccan Customs; promotion of Integrity and transparency in Paraguay’s National Directorate of Customs; performance measurement for better accountability and Integrity in the Tax and Customs Authority of Portugal; and Uruguay Customs’ establishment of common lines of action between public and private sector stakeholders regarding ethics and transparency.

The Integrity Newsletter offers an ideal opportunity to publish details of measures taken and practices adopted by Customs administrations around the world in order to foster Integrity and fight corruption.
You are kindly reminded that the success of this Newsletter depends very much on your voluntary contributions, and that the articles published in the Integrity Newsletter are provided by WCO Members and, therefore, reflect their own personal views.

We trust you will enjoy reading this latest edition of the Integrity Newsletter!