Operation TENTACLE Africa Workshop

06 October 2020

The WCO and its partners launched the Project TENTACLE capacity building efforts during the week of the 14th of September 2020, by hosting the Pan-African Operation TENTACLE Anti-money Laundering and Counter-terrorism Financing Workshop on the WCO Kudo virtual training platform.  The inaugural event was a success, as over 60 representatives from Customs Services, financial intelligence units and national police services attended the workshop, which took place from the 14th to the 18th of September.

Project TENTACLE is a WCO-led anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing capacity building and operational effort that has been designed to both raise the awareness of money laundering activities in the customs arena and law enforcement’s capacity to counter such illicit activities, with a specific eye to advancing money laundering and terrorism financing investigations after border seizure events.  Project TENTACLE is a joint program between the WCO, Egmont Group and INTERPOL and is entirely funded by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs.  The United Nations Office of Drug Control also participated in the Operation TENTACLE-Africa workshop.

Mr. Bakary Sidibe, the Mali Customs Liaison Officer for the Support Unit for the Fight Against Transnational Crime and Terrorism, related the following after the conference, “The trainers were very much up to the task.  They strengthened our capacities in combating money laundering and the smuggling of currency, gems and precious metals.”  Mr. Pranab Kumar Das, the WCO Director for the Compliance and Enforcement Sub-directorate Anti-money Laundering and Counter-terrorism Financing Programme, also commented on the launch of the Project TENTACLE effort, “The WCO is extremely excited to launch its marquis anti-money laundering effort alongside its partners, the Egmont Group and INTERPOL  This project will deliver great returns to global security, by both augmenting Customs Services and partner agencies’ capabilities to combat the scourge of criminal activity in the customs realm and by targeted region counter-bulk cash and gem/precious metal smuggling operations.”