STCE virtual training for Jordan Customs

28 October 2020

The WCO Strategic Trade Control Enforcement (STCE) Programme continues Capacity building activities to be delivered in an online setting until travel restrictions will be released and physical events will be possible again.

From 19 to 22 October 2020, the STCE Programme has delivered a virtual national training for Jordan Customs through the platform zoom. The STCE team has developed and consolidated a curriculum adapted to the virtual setting of the training, on a schedule of 3 hours per day. The purpose is to provide participants with a basic knowledge on strategic goods, their definition and importance, their legal framework and the main characteristics of different commodities which fall under this denomination. The STCE team hopes to be able to follow up with a physical training once possible in order to further explore the subject with all administrations which are receiving online workshops at the moment.

During this training, the presentations were delivered by the WCO STCE team with the help of the WCO Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) project coordinator and two STCE Expert trainers from Pakistan Customs, Mr. Malik Ghulam Ali and Mr. Shafqat Ali Khan Niazi. The two Pakistani experts presented their national STCE system to the Jordan colleagues, who showed a much interest in its establishment and functioning. Ms. Dawn Verdugo, representing the United Stated Export Control and Related Border Security Program (EXBS), donor of the STCE Programme, delivered closing remarks, thanking the WCO team for the initiative and hard work in organizing and carrying out the event.

The 14 officers from Jordan Customs attending the training, working principle in Amman and at Aqaba port, were interested in the subject and gave some positive feedback to the WCO, like the comment received by Mr. Ahmad Zghool: “I would like to thank all of you for all of things during the last 4 days, it was a good course for me and I have received a lot of information that I need in my job.”

The STCE Programme is carrying on with its activities and it is delivering two webinars focused on STCE Risk Management and Targeting on 28 and 29 October open to former participants of the general STCE training. At the same time, together with United States’ Office of Nuclear Smuggling Detection and Deterrence, a new curriculum on Radiological and Nuclear Detection Awareness has been developed and a pilot training will for front line officers from the Americas region from 9 to 13 November.