The Regional Intelligence Liaison Offices of the WCO West and Central Africa Region (WCO-WCA) hosts a webinar on intelligence, CEN and its applications

05 October 2020

From 07 to 18 September 2020, the WCO WCA region, through its two Regional Liaison Offices in charge of Intelligence (RILO), located respectively in Dakar, Senegal and Douala, Cameroon, hosted a webinar on intelligence, Customs Enforcement Network (CEN) and its applications.

This webinar, attended by approximatively forty Customs officers specialized in the fight against fraud, the WCA Vice-chair, the Regional Office for Capacity Building (ROCB) and the Regional Training Centers (RTC), was moderated by the RILOs and experts from the WCA region and contained ten modules delivered in ten working days and in blocks of 2 hours each. Through this engagement it was possible to raise awareness and enhance the competence of the participants and emphasize the importance of intelligence in combating Customs fraud and transnational organized crime. It also provided an opportunity to train Customs staff on the use of the CEN.

More specifically, this webinar has contributed to the achievement of the following objectives:

  • better understanding of the WCO's intelligence policy;
  • better understanding of the role of the Intelligence Service in Customs administrations (risk collection and analysis structure);
  • better understanding and strengthening the role of the National RILO focal points in the risk analysis process;
  • better knowledge of the CEN ;
  • Increased and improved quality of data entered into CEN.

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