The WCO facilitates the first virtual Leadership and Management Development (LMD) Programme for executives in Colombia

21 October 2020

At the request of the National Directorate of Tax and Customs of Colombia (DIAN) and with the support from SECO-WCO Global Trade Facilitation Programme, the WCO LMD programme delivered successfully the first ever virtual LMD for executives. The activity took place from 5 to 9 October 2020 and was delivered in Spanish.

The program included various topics on management skills such as time management, change management, strategic and personal communication and team building. Moreover, LMD programme released a new state of art module: Leading Customs Administration in Crisis times to support Customs administrations to manage effectively response to crises. The facilitators used new materials and innovative delivery approach.

The activity provided a positive outcomes: at the individual level were the improvement of leadership skills and behaviours. On the team level, building a culture of trust and stronger cooperation within the executive teams and on the organizational level, concrete approaches for urgent strategic challenges were developed.  For the WCO LMD team this first experience provided useful information on how to continue improving the virtual support.

The Director General of DIAN expressed that leadership and management skills are very important and a key element to the further growth of the organization and he is looking forward to continue working with the WCO LMD Programme.   

For more information on the WCO Leadership and Management Development Programme and the GTFP, please contact