Sri Lanka Customs hosts a three-day national workshop on combating counterfeiting and piracy

10 August 2021

Since December 2020, the WCO Secretariat has organized a series of national workshops with online training modules in the framework of its IPR, Health and Safety Programme.

In this framework, 24 officers from Sri-Lanka Customs Administration benefited from a 3-day virtual training workshop, organized in close collaboration with the WCO Asia Pacific Regional Office for Capacity Building (ROCB/AP) from 4 to 6 August 2021.

This workshop, funded by the Customs Cooperation Fund of Japan (CCF/Japan) informed the participants about effective enforcement strategies to prevent counterfeit products from entering Members’ national territories. Against the current background of global pandemic, a specific emphasis was put on the illegal trafficking of medicines and medical supplies linked with the COVID-19.

Representatives of six intellectual property right (IPR) holders, including four pharmaceutical companies that have produced COVID-19 medicines and vaccines, joined the training for one day to explain how to distinguish original products from counterfeit ones. Important information on the legal supply chains of vaccines, their packaging and some specific security features was also shared.

Finally, the workshop organizers encouraged participants to build strong networks and relationships with other competent national authorities, the right holder community and among themselves to stay informed about the latest trends in IPR infringements. The participants appreciated the opportunity provided to them to not only improve their knowledge but also to share their experiences in this such crucial area.