Joint Indicative List of Critical COVID-19 Vaccine Inputs issued by the joint effort of WCO/WTO and other organizations

14 July 2021

To streamline the operation of global supply chains, and to facilitate the cross-border trade of COVID-19 medical supplies, the WCO has been actively working together with WTO, WHO and other international organizations under the pandemic. 

The joint effort has made valuable outcomes in various areas, which include, among others, development of guidance materials to facilitate the cross-border movement of critical medical supplies, including highlighting existing HS classification for critical medicines, vaccines and associated medical supplies necessary for their manufacture, distribution and use.

As an extension of this effort, the WCO has worked closely with the WTO to produce the Joint Indicative List of Critical COVID-19 Vaccine Inputs issued the on 13 July 2021.  The items on the list were determined through collaboration between the WTO, WCO, OECD, vaccine manufacturers and other organizations.

The WTO have undertaken the responsibility for publication of the this list, to provide consolidated information on the critical inputs for manufacturing, storage, distribution and administration of COVID-19 vaccines that have been produced by several organizations with a view to improving the monitoring and facilitation of cross-border movement of relevant products.  The list contains the likely HS classifications under HS 2017 version for critical vaccine inputs, along with the description of each product, and the name of vaccines that use the product.

It was first compiled by the WTO Secretariat as a working document to facilitate discussions at the WTO COVID-19 Vaccine Supply Chain and Regulatory Transparency Symposium that took place on 29 June 2021.  For the publication, the WCO has put huge effort in assessing the probable classifications and presenting these classifications and descriptions of the products on the list.

The list of COVID-19 vaccine inputs has been widely requested by the trade and pharmaceutical community as well as governments, and will assist in identifying and monitoring the cross-border movement of the critical vaccine inputs, and eventually contributing to ending the pandemic and safeguarding public health.

The list covers 83 critical vaccine inputs, which includes mRNA nucleic acid-based vaccines as active ingredients, various inactive and other ingredients, consumables, equipment, packaging and other associated products, with their likely 6-digit HS code. Economic operators are kindly advised to consult with the relevant Customs administrations in relation to classification at domestic levels (7 or more digits) or in the event of any discrepancy between their practices and this list.

The Joint Indicative List of Critical COVID-19 Vaccine Inputs

Customs administrations and other stakeholders are invited to share information on additional items not mentioned in the list for future update through the following email: