WCO supports Uzbekistan in enhancing its Single Window environment

04 April 2022

Within the framework of the Global Trade Facilitation Programme (GTFP), funded by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), the WCO conducted a comprehensive Single Window and Data Model Workshop in Uzbekistan from 21 to 25 March 2022. The Workshop followed up on the online dialogue held in November 2021.

As part of this mission, the WCO experts examined the current status of Uzbekistan's Single Window system (a unified platform for the processing of certificates and permits by the competent authorities) at Uzbekistan's largest Customs Office, "Ark Bulak", in Tashkent. The State Customs Committee (SCC) shared information on the further development of Uzbekistan's Single Window system with a view to incorporating all the country’s Customs procedures into it.

The WCO experts shared with the SCC the experiences of Nigeria and Indonesia in implementing Single Window systems, presented the WCO Data Model (DM), and invited participants to undertake a mapping exercise of Uzbekistan’s national datasets by utilizing the mapping tool of the WCO DM App. This exercise was designed to build the SCC's capacity for ensuring alignment of its Single Window with the international standard in this respect, namely the WCO DM.

The WCO experts made a number of recommendations based on the Workshop outcomes. These included enhancing the Single Window system's electronic data exchange capability, finalizing the WCO DM mapping exercise, and developing My Information Packages (MyIPs) and sharing them with global stakeholders through the WCO's MyIP repository.

For more information on the GTFP, please contact capacity.building@wcoomd.org.