GTFP Progress in Peru

03 May 2022

From 26 to 27 April 2022, the SECO-WCO Global Trade Facilitation Programme (GTFP) team held a follow-up mission in Lima, Peru, aiming to monitor the progress achieved by the Customs Administration of Peru (SUNAT, for its Spanish acronym), after 3 years of the Programme’s implementation.

Through a series of meetings with SUNAT’s top management, the SECO Country Office in Peru and other important stakeholders, including the National Committee on Trade Facilitation, this mission provided the GTFP the opportunity not only to verify the country’s progress on trade facilitation and organizational development, but also to review the scheduled activities for the years 2022 and 2023.

SUNAT has achieved important progress, most specifically in enhancing its risk management system and procedures, allowing the Customs Administration to best allocate its resources and considerably reducing its clearance processing times.

For the remaining 2 years of assistance, in addition to enhancing coordinated border management, the GTFP will be working intensely with SUNAT to continue supporting their digitalization process and the country’s priorities.

For further review, a Mercator follow-up mission is being planned to assess their progress with regards to Peru’s compliance with the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement.

For more information on the GTFP, please, contact