National Workshop on Time Release Study for the Customs Administration of Peru (SUNAT)

25 November 2022

Within the framework of the SECO-WCO Global Trade Facilitation Programme (GTFP), the World Customs Organization (WCO) delivered a National Workshop on Time Release Study (TRS) for the Customs Administration of Peru (SUNAT) from 14 to 18 November 2022.

The core objective of the mission was to support the SUNAT in building capacities to conduct a TRS in collaboration with other trade stakeholders. Over 20 participants attended the event, which gathered different stakeholders involved in the clearance process of goods in Peru.

During the session, it was emphasized that TRS is a critical tool for countries to assess the performance of operational procedures carried out by customs and other regulatory actors involved in the international movement of cargo. The WCO TRS Guide was presented to the attendees, who were informed about TRS objectives, obstacles, opportunities, and the next steps for SUNAT to undertake a TRS with the engagement of Customs and other key stakeholders involved in the national clearance process.

As a result of this activity, participants at the workshop collaborated to create three import business processes for all types of transportation, as well as a specific action plan. The action plan will lead the implementation of various actions that must be implemented in 2023. By carrying out its TRS, this country will also be able to meet the criteria of Article 7.6 of the WTO TFA.
Practical training was provided to SUNAT Customs officers on how to use the WCO TRS program, including constructing TRS survey forms, uploading samples, and generating statistical data on the time spent between receiving goods and their physical release.

Furthermore, best international practices and approaches for dealing with potential bottlenecks and trade facilitation activities that would aid in minimizing clearing time and the cost of doing business were highlighted throughout the workshop.

For more information on the GTFP, please contact