The WCO A-CIP Programme promotes Customs cooperation with private sector

26 April 2023

On 17 April 2023, the role of the WCO Anti-Corruption and Integrity Promotion (A-CIP) Programme in promoting Customs cooperation with the private sector was highlighted during participation of the A-CIP Programme Manager in a panel discussion at the Trade Facilitation and Cargo Security Summit, hosted by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). 

Over 4,000 participants heard how the WCO was taking concrete steps and the lessons learned for Customs engaging the private sector on matters of integrity during the Session “Fostering Integrity Through Partnerships Around the Globe”. The Customs administrations of Guatemala and Australia also made important contributions on the panel, as did a representative of the private sector.

Later in the same week, from 19-20 April, the WCO A-CIP Programme continued its contributions to reinforce Customs’ relationship with the private sector by facilitating a hybrid workshop, held jointly with the WCO Vice-Chair for the Americas and Caribbean (AMS) Region, hosted at the premises of the National Customs Service of Ecuador (SENAE), in Guyaquil and online.  More than 100 representatives from Customs administrations of the WCO-AMS region participated.   

The workshop “Strengthening Joint Action for Ethics and Integrity in the Customs and Private Sector of the Americas and the Caribbean” aimed to forward action related to the Letter of Intent on integrity that was signed last year by representatives of the 24th  Regional Conference of Customs Directors General of the WCO-AMS region and the WCO regional Private Sector Consultative Group (PSCG).

In her opening words, Ms. Martha Elba Garamendi Espinoza, Deputy National Superintendent of Customs of SUNAT, Peru, and WCO Vice-Chair for the Americas and Caribbean Region, emphasized that “corruption can undermine confidence in the functioning of public institutions and distort competition in the market, increasing not only public spending and decreasing the income of nations; but also undermining the image of Customs. Hence, the importance of fighting corruption and strengthening public confidence.”

The WCO A-CIP Programme will continue to support Customs’ initiatives in line with the Relationship with the Private Sector key factor of the WCO Revised Arusha Declaration Concerning Good Governance and Integrity in Customs

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