Performance Measurement to ensure an evidence-based decision-making process in the Customs Administration of Serbia

07 February 2023

From 30 January to 3 February 2023, the WCO, within the framework of the  SECO-WCO Global Trade Facilitation Programme (GTFP), delivered a workshop on performance measurement functions to the Customs Administration of Serbia (CAS).  

This activity aimed at supporting the CAS in the development of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in line with the WCO Performance Measurement Mechanism (PMM) while complementing the implementation of the national KPIs for the Strategic Goals and corresponding Specific Goals as envisaged in its Business Plan.

During the workshop, the CAS officials were invited to reflect on the methodology to develop the indicators for measuring the effectiveness and efficiency of Customs operations with the establishment of an evidence-based performance measurement system.

Through active participation in the discussions and practical exercises to apply the knowledge, the CAS officials were able to adopt complementary KPIs designed to enhance reporting, evidence-based decision making, and the monitoring of the implementation of their strategic documents. The discussions further tied the lessons learned to specific expected outcomes and indicators to be implemented by the CAS in the upcoming strategic planning cycle.

The high level of interaction from the CAS confirms the Administration’s commitment to further develop the maturity of the national performance measurement system in accordance with WCO recommendations and best practices. 

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