Completion of WCO Light-Touch Intervention Enhances Risk Management for Mongolian Customs

10 July 2023

Exactly one year after the launch of the Light-Touch Intervention (LTI) on Risk Management for the Mongolian Customs General Administration (MCGA) under the SECO-WCO Global Trade Facilitation Programme (GTFP), a closing session took place on July 4th, 2023, in the headquarters of the MCGA in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. The event brought together more than 20 stakeholders, including representatives from the World Customs Organization (WCO), Mongolian Customs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and officials from the Swiss Cooperation Office. This closing provided an opportunity to assess the achievements and impact of the technical assistance provided by the GTFP to the MCGA.

During the closing remarks, the Head of the MCGA, expressed his gratitude to the WCO and the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) for their support in enhancing Mongolia's risk management capabilities. He highlighted the positive outcomes of this assistance, which has translated into a more facilitated environment for smoother foreign trade operations in the country.

The LTI in Mongolia focused on capacity building, directly benefiting 108 Customs officials and indirectly impacting over 70 others. This comprehensive training has equipped Customs officials with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively implement risk management.

As a result of this support, there have been several noteworthy achievements, including the enhancement of risk management capabilities to ensure seamless foreign trade. The MCGA successfully established a comprehensive risk management control strategy and developed a data governance strategy, laying the foundation for effective risk assessment and mitigation measures. Altogether, the creation of working principles for Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) measures has further strengthened compliance with Article 7.4 of the World Trade Organization's Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) on risk management.

The impact of the LTI in Mongolia has resulted in a 30% increase in the effectiveness rate of risk management. This demonstrates the significant improvement in identifying and addressing potential risks in foreign trade operations. Furthermore, as of the first half of 2023, there has been a notable 20% reduction in physical inspection of goods. This reduction in face-to-face interaction during foreign trade operations has accelerated Customs processes, minimizing opportunities for discretionary practices and expediting overall operations.

The successful closure of the LTI represents an important achievement for the MCGA and the GTFP, as the strengthened risk management capabilities and improved compliance with international standards are expected to foster a more efficient trade and transparent business environment, boosting Mongolia’s foreign trade attractiveness and competitiveness.

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