WCO Empowers East African Community (EAC) Private Sector in Implementing African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Rules of Origin

19 July 2023

Under the framework of the EU-WCO Rules of Origin Africa Programme, funded by the European Union (EU), the World Customs Organization (WCO), in partnership with the East African Business Council, successfully conducted a training workshop on the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) rules of origin in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, from July 12 to 14, 2023. The workshop saw active participation from private sector stakeholders.

In his opening remarks, Mr. Paul D. Makanza, EABC Board Member and Chairperson of the Confederation of Tanzania Industries, expressed sincere gratitude to the European Union for its generous support in funding the training, as well as to the WCO for facilitating the workshop. He acknowledged the EU's steadfast partnership in promoting regional integration and economic development across Africa and commended both the EU and the WCO for their support in implementing AfCFTA. Mr. Makanza emphasized that the training marked a crucial step forward in East Africa's collective journey towards harnessing the full potential of AfCFTA. He urged participants to engage in fruitful discussions and make the most of the training opportunity to deepen their understanding and refine their skills in the application of rules of origin.

In his opening remarks, Mr.Cédric Merel, Head of Cooperation at the EU Delegation in Tanzania, reiterated the EU's commitment to supporting regional integration in Africa for the economic and sustainable development of the continent. He highlighted that AfCFTA rules of origin are an important part of the AfCFTA trade agreement, therefore, the workshop serves as an important activity which will assist the private sector in implementing and applying the rules of origin in compliance with AfCFTA trade.

Mr. Donald Tindamanyire, Principal Customs Officer (Tariffs & Valuation), in his opening remarks, expressed his gratitude to the EU-WCO RoO Africa Programme and the EABC for organizing and granting the EAC Secretariat the opportunity to address and participate in the workshop. He stated that the implementation of AfCFTA rules of origin is of vital importance for the private sector and highlighted that while trade within the EAC is guided by its own rules of origin, alignment with the AfCFTA rules is necessary for trading with countries outside the EAC. He mentioned that efforts are underway to align the rules of origin to provide flexibility and harmonization.

During the workshop, participants focused on key concepts for the accurate determination of AfCFTA origin, as well as related operational and procedural issues. WCO facilitators presented the Revenue Package initiatives, including the Guidelines on Origin Certification and a brief on Origin Verification, to enlighten the private sector on procedural matters related to proof of origin. Participants actively worked on and presented case studies pertaining to the implementation of AfCFTA rules of origin. Additionally, they discussed specific areas of concern such as certification and verification administrative cooperation.

The EU-WCO Rules of Origin Africa Programme will continue its collaboration with EABC and private sector stakeholders to enhance their knowledge of rules of origin through capacity building, aiming for the efficient implementation of AfCFTA and other free trade agreements.

For further information, please contact EU-WCORoOAfrica.Program@wcoomd.org.