Follow-up Mission on Risk Management to Bolivia under the SECO-WCO GTFP framework

24 November 2023

From 7 to 10 November 2023, the World Customs Organization (WCO) delivered a follow-up mission on Risk Management (RM) to the Customs Administration of Bolivia (AN) under the SECO-WCO Global Trade Facilitation Programme (GTFP) framework. The primary focus of the activity was to assess the progress achieved by AN and outline further steps for the sustainable implementation of RM in Bolivia Customs.

Throughout the 4-day technical assistance, WCO experts collaborated closely with Customs officials, providing technical guidance based on the Risk Management Compendium vol. 1 & 2. Following a comprehensive effort, WCO experts reviewed the progress of AN's risk management processes, emphasizing the successful implementation of their RM Strategy and Committee. Additionally, the AN reported that it had successfully aligned its RM procedures to International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards.

Furthermore, the WCO Experts supported the AN in analyzing its gaps and areas of opportunity, identifying the next steps for sustainable development of their RM Unit in alignment with WCO recommendations.
Bolivia is among the four initial SECO-WCO GTFP beneficiary countries. Since 2020, the WCO has provided technical assistance to support Bolivian Customs in implementing trade facilitation measures, aiming to create conditions for a more efficient risk management system and fostering improved cooperation among Bolivia's border control bodies.

For more information on the GTFP, please contact