GTFP Peer-to-Peer Collaboration Workshop delivered at the WCO Headquarters

05 October 2023

From 26 to 28 September 2023, the World Customs Organization (WCO) Headquarters hosted the Peer-to-Peer Collaboration Workshop for the SECO-WCO Global Trade Facilitation Programme (GTFP) beneficiary countries, which enabled an exchange of experiences, lessons learnt and challenges to ensure the sustainability of the trade facilitation measures implemented with the GTFP’s support.

Representatives from the Customs Administrations of Bangladesh, Bolivia, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Moldova, Mongolia, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Serbia, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan actively participated in this comprehensive 3-day workshop. It served as an effective platform for these countries to discuss common challenges faced across their three regions, including monitoring and follow-up of implemented measures, change management, human resources management, and knowledge dissemination to ensure institutional expertise.

The participants also had the opportunity to review the latest developments within the WCO, including topics such as disruptive technologies, strategic planning and performance measurement, leadership and management development, WCO's regional development structure for capacity building support, gender equality, data analytics, and green Customs.

The SECO-WCO GTFP Team expressed their sincere appreciation to the beneficiary countries for their unwavering dedication, hard work, and exceptional engagement and gathered all the shared experiences and initiatives emphasizing the necessity for strategic planning, implementation, cooperation and coordination with the trading community and other key stakeholders.

The participants were encouraged to continue their efforts in advancing trade facilitation, building upon the knowledge and insights gained during the workshop.

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