Single Window follow-up mission delivered in Bolivia under the framework of SECO-WCO GTFP

02 October 2023

From 4 to 6 September 2023, the Bolivian Customs Administration (AN, for its Spanish Acronym) hosted a technical assistance mission on Single Window (SW) in La Paz, Bolivia. This workshop was organized by the World Customs Organization (WCO) within the SECO-WCO Global Trade Facilitation Programme (GTFP) framework.

The workshop aimed to follow up on the progress of the AN and other public stakeholders in implementing the SW roadmap developed in September 2022, and provide further guidance to the Customs officials and relevant stakeholders on developing its initial SW diagnostic.

The WCO experts concluded that AN has made important progress, including a Ministerial resolution endowing the responsibility to lead the development of the Bolivian National SW. Consequently, this technical assistance was highly relevant as it further provided capacities for implementing a SW environment and creating a customized SW structure.

The workshop brought together a total of 21 participants from Customs and other government agencies, including the Ministry of Economy and Public Finance, the Ministry of Rural and Land Development, the Agency for Electronic Government and Information Technologies, the National Service of Agricultural, Health and Food Safety (SENASAG, for its Spanish Acronym), and the National Export Verification Service (SENAVEX, for its Spanish Acronym).

Ultimately, this activity complements the roadmap with an ambitious implementation plan, envisioning phase 1 of the SW to be completed and launched in the short term.

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