Key Takeaways from the Virtual Working Group for Gender Equality and Diversity meeting

14 November 2024

The WCO organized on the 5th of November its second bi-annual meeting for 2024 of its Virtual Working Group (VWG) on Gender Equality and Diversity (GED). Over 70 participants from 40 Member administrations joined the meeting, setting a new record and demonstrating a strong commitment to this cause.

Delegates were updated on the WCO’s work on GED, including the outcomes of the GED Network conference, the progress made in developing the third edition of the WCO Compendium for GED in Customs, the development of a pool of Recognized GED experts, and the overview of the capacity building activities delivered in the past semester. Delegates were also briefed on the new dedicated collaborative folder that has been set up on the CLiKC! Platform. This folder, intended for VWG members, will be valuable for sharing meeting reports and good practices and keeping everyone informed and connected.

Moreover, His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) of the United Kingdom shared its experience of supporting the 16-day campaign on raising awareness of violence against women and girls (VAWG) and gender-based violence through the organization of various virtual ‘safe space’ sessions on related topics, including gaslighting and cyberstalking. The Namibia Revenue Authority (NamRA) also presented its recent work conducting an organizational assessment based on the WCO Gender Equality Organizational Assessment Tool (GEOAT), which allowed them to identify gaps and develop a dedicated action plan for Gender Equality and Diversity.  

For further information or to join the GED Virtual Working Group, please contact