Giving visibility to Integrity: Mozambique Customs Launch their Whistleblower Hotline with support from the A-CIP Programme

08 October 2024

Since joining the  Anti-Corruption & Integrity Promotion (A-CIP) Programme in 2019, Mozambique Customs and the World Customs Organization (WCO) have worked closely to improve communication with the private sector and strengthen mutual collaboration, in line with the “Relationship with the Private Sector” key factor of the WCO Revised Arusha Declaration.

The results of the first WCO Customs Integrity Perception Survey (CIPS) conducted in early 2020 within the framework of the A-CIP Programme suggested some reluctance within the private sector to report integrity violations. However, this perception has begun to change thanks to the subsequent work of the Mozambique Tax Authority (ATM) under the Programme. The second iteration of the CIPS, conducted in the first months of 2024, showed a modest but meaningful improvement, highlighting the increased openness to the reporting system.

One of the most notable advances has been the implementation of the new green whistleblower hotline, a channel designed to facilitate reporting acts of corruption and malpractice, including gender-related misconduct. This more transparent and accessible procedure represents an important change in the fight against corruption, reinforcing ATM's commitment to justice and integrity at all levels.  

The promotion of the new hotline has been largely driven by a dedicated working group within ATM, supported by the WCO A-CIP Programme, which, alongside exceptional commitment to improving integrity processes within the administration, also designed and produced informative posters that have been distributed throughout the country's main Customs offices, ports and airports, with the aim of giving greater visibility to the new complaints hotline and motivating the public to use it. This initiative seeks not only to inform but also to invite citizens to take an active part in creating a more upright environment, as expressed in the tax authority's slogan: “Together we make Mozambique”.

The WCO A-CIP Programme provides technical assistance and capacity-building support to WCO Member administrations implementing integrity-related initiatives in line with the WCO Revised Arusha Declaration.
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