People Development Diagnostic Tool (PDDT)

The approach which governs the structure of the tool also aims to prepare for implementing HR reforms in these administrations.  The components of the diagnostic tool and the sequence of preparing for and rolling out the diagnostic mission help the HR reform project team to appropriate the concepts, methods and techniques which are key to HR transformation.  This also facilitates a dual approach in terms of making recommendations based on a review of the policies and practices of an administration compared with the reference standards and practices: an analysis of existing practices and tools and dynamic analysis of the discrepancy between the current situation and best practice.

The HR diagnostic tool is multi-purpose and can be used in modular form geared to the varying needs of administrations :

  • By the empowered HR modernization team, enabling them to identify needs and priorities and introduce basic WCO concepts and acting as a basis for monitoring the alignment of HR strategy with the principles on Customs Professionalism and/or monitoring the performance of the modernization project.  The tool has a dual purpose as part of an autonomous approach: self-assessment and capability maturity model.
  • By the team of expert HR diagnosticians, recognized by the WCO, to provide technical assistance to applicant administrations in order to give the national team thorough and standardized support.

In its full version, the tool comprises different documents and elements which are used in a well-defined sequence to support the administration benefiting from the HR diagnostic:

  • a form for entering the reference documents for an HR strategy aiming to identify the fundamental components of an HR strategy and, by default, elementary failures;
  • a diagnostic questionnaire focusing on the existence and efficiency of the main HR practices and processes and of the legal and ethical framework of an HR strategy;
  • a value creation matrix setting out the perceptions of key HR players regarding shortcomings in implementing best practices in their experience of HR management in their administration.

The PDDT is available to Members through the WCO Secretariat: