People Development in Times of Crisis

23 April 2021

The COVID 19 pandemic has brought about fastpaced changes for learning and development in the Customs environment. In this context, Customs training leaders cannot push the pause button on upskilling their staff and cannot afford to put training and capacity building programmes on hold.

However, this pandemic offers a genuine opportunity for them to review completely their training operating model and adapt workplace learning and development, while putting staffsafety first.
As a result, to continue upskilling and delivering value-creating initiatives while protecting employees, Customs learning leaders have a number of tactical steps they can consider to adapt training and capacity building programmes and delivery by establishing and expanding live virtual learning (via the live virtual classroom).

This WCO Guide for a successful transition to live virtual training (AR) is an excellent resource, as it details the process required for virtual training and stays true to the most important aspect, which is interaction and engagement in the learning process. It also emphasizes the need to facilitate instruction and ensure participants are actively engaged in their learning.