Customs and other enforcement agencies worldwide face significant challenges in implementing drug control measures. The complexity of drug markets, constantly evolving trafficking routes and the emergence of new psychotropic substances (NPS) require them to develop robust and adaptive strategies.
To assist Customs administrations in combating the cultivation, manufacturing, distribution and sale of substances subject to restrictions and prohibitions, the WCO has designed a Drugs and Precursors Programme.
The Programme aims at promoting the exchange of information, use of the WCO Customs Enforcement Network (CEN) suite and implementation of WCO instruments such as declarations and recommendations.
Key activities of the Programme are as follow:
Compiling and disseminating illicit drug seizure data
Monitoring and controlling general aviation (COLIBRI Project)
- Ensuring that Customs officers apply specific control methodology (handbook,
e-learning courses and training)
- Providing an IT platform for mapping and geolocating controls (Geoportal)
- Enhancing the capacity to fight transnational organized crime
- Conducting risk and threat analysis
- Promoting an inter-agency approach (Customs, Police, Air Force, Civil Aviation, Justice)
- Organizing international enforcement operations
Building the capacity to detect synthetic drugs (Synthetic Drugs Detection Project)
- General aviation component: against the use of private aircraft in Central America and the Caribbean
- Mail channel component: against the use of courier and postal operator services
- Canine component: training of dogs to detect synthetic drugs, including fentanyl
Managing the Detector Dog Programme
- Raising awareness of the unlimited potential of detector dogs
- Facilitating the exchange of technical expertise and experience through the WCO Regional Dog Training Centres (RDTCs)
- Organizing the Global Canine Forum to discuss best practices and future trends (threat status, training methods, technology, breeding, etc.)
- Developing a compendium to assist canine units and training centres
Instruments and guidance