Specific Annex F

17 April 2008

Specific Annex F

Chapter 1

Inward processing


For the purposes of this Chapter:

E1./ F3.

    compensating products” means the products resulting from the manufacturing, processing or repair of goods for which the use of the inward processing procedure is authorized;

E2./ F1.

    equivalent goods” means domestic or imported goods identical in description, quality and technical characteristics to those imported for inward processing which they replace;

E3./ F2.

    inward processing” means the Customs procedure under which certain goods can be brought into a Customs territory conditionally relieved from payment of import duties and taxes, on the basis that such goods are intended for manufacturing, processing or repair and subsequent exportation.


1. Standard
Inward processing shall be governed by the provisions of this Chapter and, insofar as applicable, by the provisions of the General Annex.

Field of application

2. Standard
Goods admitted for inward processing shall be afforded total conditional relief from import duties and taxes. However, import duties and taxes may be collected on any products, including waste, deriving from the processing or manufacturing of goods admitted for inward processing that are not exported or treated in such a way as to render them commercially valueless.

3. Standard
Inward processing shall not be limited to goods imported directly from abroad, but shall also be granted for goods already placed under another Customs procedure.

4. Recommended Practice
Inward processing should not be refused solely on the grounds of the country of origin of the goods, the country from which arrived or the country of destination.

5. Standard
The right to import goods for inward processing shall not be limited to the owner of the imported goods.

6. Recommended Practice
When, in the execution of a contract entered into with a person established abroad, the goods to be used are supplied by that person, inward processing should not be refused on the grounds that goods identical in description, quality and technical characteristics are available in the Customs territory of importation.

7. Recommended Practice
The possibility of determining the presence of the imported goods in the compensating products should not be imposed as a necessary condition of inward processing when:

(a) the identity of the goods can be established :

  • by submitting the details o f the inputs and the process of manufacture of the compensating products; or
  • during the processing operations by Customs control;


(b) the procedure is terminated by the exportation of products obtained from the treatment of goods identical in description, quality and technical characteristics to those admitted for inward processing.

Placing goods under inward processing

(a) Authorization for inward processing

8. Standard
National legislation shall specify the circumstances in which prior authorization is required for inward processing and the authorities empowered to grant such authorization.

9. Standard
The inward processing authorization shall specify the manner in which operations permitted under inward processing shall be carried out.

10. Recommended Practice
When an application for inward processing is made after the importation of the goods and meets the criteria for authorization, the authorization should be granted retrospectively.

11. Recommended Practice
Persons who carry out regular inward processing operations should, on request, be granted a general authorization covering such operations.

12. Standard
Where goods admitted for inward processing are to undergo manufacturing or processing, the competent authorities shall fix or agree to the rate of yield of the operation by reference to the actual conditions under which it is effected. The description, quality and quantity of the various compensating products shall be specified upon fixing or agreeing to that rate.

13. Recommended Practice
Where the inward processing operations:

  • relate to goods who se characteristics remain reasonably constant;
  • are customarily carried out under clearly defined technical conditions; and
  • give compensating products of constant quality;

the competent authorities should lay down standard rates of yield applicable to the operations.

(b) Identification measures

14. Standard
The requirements relating to the identification of goods for inward processing shall be laid down by the Customs. In carrying this out, due account shall be taken of the nature of the goods, of the operation to be carried out and of the importance of the interests involved.

Stay of the goods in the Customs territory

15. Standard
The Customs shall fix the time limit for inward processing in each case.

16. Recommended Practice
At the request of the person concerned, and for reasons deemed valid by the Customs, the latter should extend the period initially fixed.

17. Recommended Practice
Provision should be made for continuing inward processing in the event of transfer of ownership of the imported goods and the compensating products to a third person, provided that that person assumes the obligations of the person granted the authorization.

18. Recommended Practice
The competent authorities should permit processing operations to be carried out by a person other than the person accorded the facilities for inward processing. Transfer of ownership of the goods admitted for inward processing should not be necessary, provided that the person accorded the inward processing facilities remains responsible to the Customs for compliance with the conditions set out in the authorization for the entire duration of the operations.

19. Standard
Provision shall be made to perm it compensating products to be exported through a Customs office other than that through which the goods placed under inward processing were imported.

Termination of inward processing

(a) Exportation

20. Standard
Provision shall be made to permit inward processing procedures to be terminated by exportation of the compensating products in one or more consignments.

21. Standard
Upon request by the person concerned, the competent authorities shall authorize the re-exportation of the goods in the same state as imported, with termination of inward processing.

(b) Other methods of disposal

22. Recommended Practice
Provision should be made for suspending or teminating inward processing by placing the imported goods or the compensating products under another Customs procedure, subject to compliance with the conditions and formalities applicable in each case.

23. Recommended Practice
National legislation should provide that the amount o f import duties and taxes applicable in the case where the compensating products are not exported shall not exceed the amount of import duties and taxes applicable to the imported goods admitted for inward processing.

24. Standard
Provision shall be made for terminating inward processing in respect of goods lost as a consequence of the nature of the goods, insofar as the compensating products are exported, provided that such loss is duly established to the satisfaction of the Customs.

25. Recommended Practice
The products obtained from the treatment of equivalent goods should be deemed to be compensating products for the purposes of this Chapter (setting-off with equivalent goods).

26. Recommended Practice
When setting-off with equivalent goods is allowed, the Customs should permit the exportation of compensating products prior to the importation of goods for inward processing.

Chapter 2

Outward processing


For the purposes of this Chapter:

E1./ F2.

    compensating products” means the products obtained abroad and resulting from the manufacturing, processing or repair of goods for which the use of the outward processing procedure is authorized;

E2./ F1.

    outward processing” means the Customs procedure under which goods which are in free circulation in a Customs territory may be temporarily exported for manufacturing, processing or repair abroad and then re-imported with total or partial exemption from import duties and taxes.


1. Standard
Outward processing shall be governed by the provisions of this Chapter and, insofar as applicable, by the provisions of the General Annex.

Field of application

2. Recommended Practice
Outward processing should not be refused solely on the grounds that the goods are to be manufactured, processed or repaired in a given country.

3. Standard
Temporary exportation of goods for outward processing shall not be restricted to the owner of the goods.

Placing goods under outward processing

(a) Formalities prior to temporary exportation of the goods

4. Standard
National legislation shall enu merate the cases in which prior authorization is required for outward processing and specify the authorities empowered to grant such authorization.

Such cases shall be as few as possible.

5. Recommended Practice
Persons who carry out regular outward processing operations should, on request, be granted a general authorization covering such operations.

6. Recommended Practice
The competent authorities should fix a rate of yield for an outward processing operation when they deem it necessary or when it will facilitate the operation. The description, quality and quantity of the various compensating products shall be specified upon fixing that rate.

(b) Identification measures

7. Standard
The requiremen ts relating to the identification of goods for outward processing shall be laid down by the Customs. In carrying this out, due account shall be taken of the nature of the goods, of the operation to be carried out and of the importance of the interests involved.

Stay of the goods outside the Customs territory

8. Standard
The Customs shall fix the time limit for outward processing in each case.

9. Recommended Practice
At the request of the person concerned, and for reasons deemed valid by the Customs, the latter should extend the period initially fixed.

Importation of compensating products

10. Standard
Provision shall be made to permit compensating products t o be imported through a Customs office other than that through which the goods were temporarily exported for outward processing.

11. Standard
Provision shall be made to permit compensating products to be imported in one or more consignments.

12. Standard
Upon request by the person concerned, the competent authorities shall allow goods temporarily exported for outward processing to be re-imported with exemption from import duties and taxes if they are returned in the same state.

This exemption shall not apply to import duties and taxes which have been repaid or remitted in connection with the temporary exportation of the goods for outward processing.

13. Standard
Unless national legislation requires the re-importation of goo ds temporarily exported for outward processing, provision shall be made for terminating the outward processing by declaring the goods for outright exportation subject to compliance with the conditions and formalities applicable in such case.

Duties and taxes applicable to compensating products

14. Standard
National legislation shall specify the extent of the exemption from import duties and taxes granted when compensating products are taken into home use, and the methods of calculation of that exemption.

15. Standard
The exemption from import duties and taxes provided for in respect of compensating products shall not apply to duties and taxes which have been repaid or remitted in connection with the temporary exportation of the goods for outward processing.

16. Recommended Practice
Where goods temporarily exported for outward processing have been repaired abroad free of charge, provision should be made for them to be re-imported with total exemption from import duties and taxes under the conditions laid down in national legislation.

17. Recommended Practice
The exemption from import duties and taxes should be granted if the compensating products were placed under another Customs procedure prior to being declared for home use.

18. Recommended Practice
The exemption from import duties and taxes should be granted if the ownership of the compensating products is transferred before they are taken into home use.

Chapter 3



For the purposes of this Chapter:

E1./ F1.

    drawback” means the amount of import duties and taxes repaid under the drawback procedure;

E2./ F3.

    drawback procedure” means the Customs procedure which, when goods are exported, provides for a repayment (total or partial) to be made in respect of the import duties and taxes charged on the goods, or on materials contained in them or consumed in their production;

E3./ F1.

    equivalent goods” means domestic or imported goods identical in description, quality and technical characteristics to those under the drawback procedure which they replace.


1. Standard
The drawback procedure shall be governed by the provisions of this Chapter and, insofar as applicable, by the provisions of the General Annex.

Field of application

2. Standard
National legislation shall enumerate the cases in which drawback may be claimed.

3. Recommended Practice
National legislation should include provision for the application of the drawback procedure in cases where the goods which have borne import duties and taxes have been replaced by equivalent goods used in the production of exported goods.

Conditions to be fulfilled

4. Standard
The Customs shall not withhold payment of drawback solely because, at the time of importation of the goods for home use, the importer did not state his intention of claiming drawback at exportation. Similarly, exportation shall not be mandatory when such a statement has been made at importation.

Duration of stay of the goods in the Customs territory

5. Recommended Practice
Where a time limit for the exportation of the goods is fixed beyond which they no longer qualify for drawback, this should, upon request, be extended if the reasons are deemed valid by the Customs.

6. Recommended Practice
Where a time limit is fixed beyond which claims for drawback will not be accepted, provision should be made for its extension for commercial or other reasons deemed valid by the Customs.

Payment of drawback

7. Standard
Drawback shall be paid as soo n as possible after the claim has been verified.

8. Recommended Practice
National legislation should provide for the use of electronic funds transfer for the payment of drawback.

9. Recommended Practice
Drawback should also be paid on deposit of the goods in a Customs warehouse or introduction of the goods into a free zone, on condition that they are subsequently to be exported.

10. Recommended Practice
The Customs should, if so requested, pay drawb ack periodically on goods exported during a specified period.

Chapter 4

Processing of goods for home use


For the purposes of this Chapter:

E1./ F1.

    processing of goods for home use” means the Customs procedure under which imported goods may be manufactured, processed or worked, before clearance for home use and under Customs control, to such an extent that the amount of the import duties and taxes applicable to the products thus obtained is lower than that which would be applicable to the imported goods.


1. Standard
Processing of goods for home use shall be governed by the provisions of this Chapter and, insofar as applicable, by the provisions of the General Annex.

2. Standard
The granting of the procedure of processing of goods for home use shall be subject to the conditions that:

  • the Customs are able to satisfy themselves that the products resulting from the processing of goods for home use have been obtained from the imported goods; and
  • the original state of the goods cannot be economically recovered after the manufacturing, processing or working.

Field of application

3. Standard
National legislation shall specify the categories of goods and operations allowed for processing of goods for home use.

4. Standard
Processing of goods for home use shall not be limited to goods imported directly from abroad, but shall also be granted for goods already placed under another Customs procedure.

5. Standard
The right to process goods for home use shall not be limited to the owner of the imported goods.

6. Recommended Practice
Persons who carry out regular processing of goods for home use should, on request, be granted a general authorization covering such operations.

Termination of processing of goods for home use

7. Standard
Processing of goods for home use shall be terminated when the products resulting from the processing are cleared for home use.

8. Standard
Where justified by the circumstances and at the request of the person concerned, the Customs shall approve termination of the procedure when the products obtained from the manufacturing, processing or working are placed under another Customs procedure, subject to compliance with the conditions and formalities applicable in each case.

9. Standard
Any waste or scrap resulting from the processing of goods for home use shall be liable, if cleared for home use, to the import duties and taxes that would be applicable to such waste or scrap imported in that state.