This newsletter addresses our Capacity Builders, more specifically our Accredited Customs Experts including those, who so far have successfully finalized the first step of the accreditation procedure, and experts, who are contributing to areas of the WCO assistance, where an accreditation process is not provided for.
With this newsletter we share with you as usual the highlights of some of the recent WCO Committees, Conferences and Meetings and informa-tion on recent accreditation workshops and news from our experts in action.
We also welcome your share of information and views on the access and the value of some of our supporting tools to ease the organization, brief-ing and mechanisms around WCO activities. Do not forget: If you do re-ceive the support you require then please tell us. If not, then we would also like to know.
Whilst this newsletter can only provide a snapshot of key developments, it may raise your awareness and encourage you to address for more detailed publications or to contact us.