Customs Enforcement Network Management Team (CENMat)

Confirmed by the Council: June 2003

Updated: January 2015

Established: March 2001

Duration: Unspecified


Three Member administrations from each WCO region, including the nCEN regional leader (when applicable), nominated by the Vice-Chairperson. The tenure of the members shall usually be for two years with the possibility of re-nomination. 

Representatives from all Regional Intelligence Liaison Offices (RILOs) and representatives from Member administrations hosting RILOs.

The above-mentioned CENMaT shall elect a Chairperson from amongst its members.

1. Mandate

The CEN Management Team(CENMaT) is responsible for overseeing the overall management of the CEN applications (CEN, nCEN, and CENComm).  The CENMaT reports to, and operates under the direction of, the Enforcement Committee.

2. Purpose and Scope

The purpose of the CENMaT is:

  • to oversee the effective and efficient management of the CEN applications;
  • to represent the views of CEN users in wider WCO fora;
  • to promote the exchange of views, experiences, and best practices in the use of the CEN applications.

The tasks of the CENMaT are:

  • to assure the maintenance of the CEN applications (CEN, nCEN, and CENComm) by:
  • regularly monitoring the developments in and the status of the CEN applications;
  • continuously evaluating the performance and security of the applications;
  • identifying the required technical amendments/modifications to the applications (content and procedure), taking into account users’ suggestions;
  • to formulate a CEN policy (taking into account the user perspective) and to present it to the appropriate WCO decision-making bodies.  This includes:
  • a strategy for further improvements of the applications;
  • a clearly defined access policy;
  • any other policy and legal issues related to the CEN applications.

3. Key Deliverables

The CENMaT reports on CEN matters and makes recommendations to the Enforcement Committee.

4. Means of Operation

The WCO Secretariat will notify members of the dates of the physical meeting or virtual meeting, the draft Agenda and relevant documents, and will invite suggestions for Agenda items from members. 

As far as possible, the CENMaT will work through electronic means. Drafts seeking comments will be communicated to all interested CENMaT Members through one of the CEN applications.
The CENMaT shall consult with other WCO committees and working groups, including the Global RILO Meeting and the GIIS Project Group, to identify linkages and/or any overlapping issues for mutual cooperation.

5. Resources Required

The CENMaT will meet as necessary, or on specific request by a CENMaT Member whenever appropriate, at the WCO Headquarters in Brussels for a period usually of 2 days.  When held, the meeting should take place shortly before the session of the Enforcement Committee in order to prepare any discussions related to the CEN and give the most up-to-date report on the CEN status.  The WCO Secretariat provides central CEN management and is responsible for:

  • the administrative preparation for the meetings including the development of the draft Agenda in consultation with CENMaT members;
  • the preparation of all relevant documents and their distribution to delegates well in advance of the meeting;
  • facilitation of the work during the course of the meeting;
  • drafting and distribution of the report within 60 days of the meeting;
  • follow-up and implementation of all actions decided by the CENMaT,  including presenting them for endorsement at the Enforcement Committee and the Council and subsequently informing CENMaT members of the results or progress of the work. 

All expenses related to the attendance of the CENMaT meetings shall be borne by each CENMaT member, including the travel and accommodation of its delegates.

Amendments to these “Terms of Reference” are subject to the endorsement of the Enforcement Committee.