Message from the Chairperson

Dear Director Generals and all world customs officials

It is a my sincere pleasure to congratulate each and every one of you on the occasion of lnternational Customs Day which coincides annually on the 26th of January. Wishing you and your families health, success and wellbeing.

In these unique circumstances we are joined together in facing the pandemic, our colleagues at the Air, Land and Sea ports are enduring on the frontlines showing dignity, professionalism and commitment. I would like to thank everyone involved in in safeguarding the movement of the vaccine and other related medical requirements. Furthermore, I would like to thank you for you dedication and continues efforts in ensuring the movement of legitimate trade, passengers across the boarders and revenue collection.

Our slogan this year,” Customs bolstering Recovery, renewal and Resilience for a sustainable  supply chain” it is evident that all customs agencies endorses the relentless pursuit to coordinate between borders through the “SAFE” frame work of standard and the Authorised Economic Operator. In light of the increase in e-commerce in the current climate, technology plays a vital role in clearing goods and insuring effective facilitating and accelerating operations. Whether its Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence or others.

I would like to take this opportunity to extend my sincere appreciation to everyone who has entrusted me with their vote for the Council elections. I am looking to the future with optimism while we work together as a unified team of the World Customs Organization with the Secretary General and Customs administrations.

In conclusion I would like to congratulate everyone on this occasion that we are all proud of. I will be looking forward to meeting you at the earliest opportunity. Thank you.

Ahmed H. Al Khalifa
Chairperson of the WCO Council

Ahmed H. Al Khalifa, Président du Conseil de l'OMD