WCO Asia Pacific Plastic Waste Conference

START DATE 24 febrero 2022
END DATE 25 febrero 2022




In the framework of the WCO’s Asia Pacific Plastic Waste (APPW) Project, a conference will be held on 24-25 February 2022 to discuss its findings on the work conducted with four participating Members. During two days of high-level discussions and presentations, the APPW Project will highlight how the implementation of the WCO and the Basel Convention tools and instruments, especially in regard to plastic waste, was strengthened in the Asia/Pacific region by cooperating with the Customs administrations and environmental authorities of Indonesia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Vietnam.

There will be time allocated for country statements, an overview of national experiences and best practices from the participating Members, as well as for a discussion on regional approach in the future. The new Self-assessment tool, the Frontline Customs Officers’ Guide to Key Multilateral Environmental Agreements, the updated section for the Coordinated Border Management (CBM) Compendium and the new Training Framework will also be presented during this event, to which Customs administrations as well as other stakeholders have been invited.

Two panel discussions will present the ongoing work of international organizations and elaborate on possible building blocks towards a regional strategy. A preliminary agenda of the WCO APPW Conference can be found here.

For more information about the WCO APPW Conference, please get in touch with the project: APPWproject@wcoomd.org