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Second WCO-EAC Project Steering Committee meeting

02 enero 2009
Second WCO-EAC Project Steering Committee meeting

January 2009

The 2nd meeting of the WCO-EAC Project Steering Committee took place on 29th January 2009 in Kampala, Uganda.

The East African Community countries shared information on national needs assessments, approved important documents related to the establishment and functioning of the Project Management Office, the Terms of Reference for the Steering Committee, exchanged views on coordination with other entities in the region and with the private sector, and planned next steps for implementation of the regional programme. Directors General/Commissioners of Customs of the East African states, the WCO Director of Capacity Building, the EAC Secretariat and the WCO ESA ROCB participated.

As a comment about the meeting, Mr. Karlsson stated: “We had an excellent second Steering Committee meeting in Kampala. We are now moving ahead with pace. I am very pleased with this meeting”.

Before attending the Steering Committee meeting, Mr. Karlsson made an official visit to the WCO ESA ROCB in Nairobi, Kenya and met with the Kenya Revenue Authority Commissioner of Customs, Mrs. Rose Namu Wambui. He also had meetings in Kampala with the EAC’s Director of Customs – Mr. Kenneth Bagamuhunda, with the Commissioner of Uganda Customs - Mr. Peter Malinga and with the Commissioner General of Uganda Revenue Authority, Mrs. Allen Kagina, who is also Chair of the Steering Committee of the WCO-EAC project.