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Mission in support of Customs modernization in Mali and Niger

15 abril 2011

Mission in support of Customs modernization in Mali and Niger

Bamako, Mali, 11 – 15 April 2011


The Customs Administrations of Mali and Niger are seeking external funding to carry out selected projects set out in the multi-annual strategic plans they have developed as part of their reform process.

With a view to learning how to structure and formulate funding applications more effectively and to present them to potential lending institutions, these two Administrations and the WCO decided to hold a joint workshop in Bamako, the capital of Mali.

The mission, which received support from two experts from the WCO Secretariat and one from Belgian Customs, provided an opportunity to look at the broad aspects of official development assistance, the concepts of a logical framework approach and results-based management and, finally, to identify potential lending institutions and their objectives. During the practical section of the workshop, each delegation worked separately on producing an initial outline of a model funding application, then on a budget study, before presenting the selected plan to the other delegation.

The WCO warmly welcomes the fact that these two countries agreed to carry out this activity together and reiterates its readiness to assist other Members in this respect.