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WCO Integrity Newsletter : Sharing best practices

21 abril 2011
WCO Integrity Newsletter : Sharing best practices

A new periodical – the WCO Integrity Newsletter – has been launched by the WCO Secretariat with a view to updating WCO Member administrations on current activities and best practices in the integrity area.

The WCO Integrity Newsletter is aimed at presenting measures used by Customs administrations to fight corruption and improve integrity as well as at connecting experts from different countries, providing them with the opportunity to share their views on a particular technique or best practice described in this new periodical.

The initiative, consisting in creating a periodical providing timely and regular updates on WCO Members’ national activities related to integrity in Customs, was endorsed by the 9th Sessions of the WCO Integrity Sub-Committee (ISC). The initial plan was to publish 3-4 issues a year depending on the volume of Members’ contributions; 3 issues have been published so far, and a fourth issue is being prepared.

WCO Members can use this new instrument by producing short articles describing their respective “success stories” as well as projects aimed at increasing the efficiency of their integrity strategies. Amongst the innovative initiatives already highlighted in the Newsletter, it is worth mentioning the “integrity testing” conducted by the Kenyan Revenue Service or the performance contracts introduced by the Cameroon Customs Administration. These examples illustrate different approaches to the implementation of the Revised Arusha Declaration in different social and political environments. In order to facilitate the exchange of information, each article contains the contact details of an individual or a Department, thus providing the opportunity to contact someone directly to enquire about the integrity enhancement measures presented.

The update on integrity pilot projects, launched with a view to increasing the level of integrity in Customs in certain areas, can be easily used as a reference for countries that are developing practical and adapted solutions or that are drafting their national integrity action plans.

However, this Newsletter is intended not just to notify the relevant parties about certain activities, but also to initiate discussions and generate feedback, thus making it possible to identify new methods aimed at enhancing integrity within Customs. The WCO Secretariat would be very interested to find out whether some of the WCO Integrity Newsletter readers have already approached some of the Administrations having contributed an article to find out more about their integrity best practices. Should you wish to share some of the measures employed by your administration to combat corruption or should you wish to comment on the content of the Integrity Newsletter, please contact the WCO Secretariat at :”

You can find the Integrity Newsletters released so far on the WCO Public Website > under Capacity Building > Tools and Instruments > Integrity > Newsletters.