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Avant-premiere of the film “Rien à déclarer”

25 enero 2011

Avant-premiere of the film “Rien à déclarer”

Brussels, 25 January 2011


During a special event to mark the release in Belgium of the film “Rien à déclarer” or “Nothing to declare”, Belgium’s Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Didier Reynders welcomed the film which was a collaborative effort between the Customs administrations of Belgium and France.

WCO Secretary General Kunio Mikuriya attended the event together with the Director General of Belgian Customs Noël Colpin and other invited guests. The avant-premiere was of particular significance as it was being done on the eve of International Customs Day, the day the global Customs community celebrates the cooperative spirit which embodies the world of Customs and its stakeholders.

Secretary General Mikuriya said, “Although highly amusing, the film formed the very basis of Customs-to-Customs cooperation and coordinated border management, values that continue to be espoused by Customs even today.”

This humorous film is about two Customs officers, one French the other Belgian, who learn of the speedy disappearance of their little Franco-Belgian Customs post during the “passage to Europe” on 1 January 1993 which leads them to form a joint team against all odds as a way of coping with their changing Customs world.