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WCO witnessed a visit of African Customs Students from Münster University

18 marzo 2011

The WCO witnessed a visit of African Customs Students from Münster University

Brussels, 3-4 March 2011

All 23 students of the current Master studies programme of the Münster University, Germany, paid a study visit to the WCO Secretariat on 3-4 March. The students were welcomed by Mr. Erich Kieck, Director of the WCO Capacity Building Directorate, who discussed with them the joint capacity building efforts of the Secretariat and WCO Members, and how those aims to facilitate modernization can drive African Customs administrations in practice to contribute to economic growth of countries.

WCO officers from all three Directorates were intensively involved in the dialogue and knowledge consultation with the students, individually and purposefully targeted to the study topics of each student, covering Risk Management, Single Window, Global Networking Customs, Customs Revenue/Classification, Customs Integrity, Customs Investigation, SAFE Framework, Capacity Building and other issues of modernization as manifested in the WCO Customs in the 21st Century document.

The group of students consisted of customs officers from African Customs administrations. Their Master studies at the Münster University are sponsored by the German government. The Münster University is one of the first universities certified by the WCO in the way that its curricula concerning customs education are meeting the PICARD Professional Standards.