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The Capacity Building Regional Structures Re-confirm Commitment to Support Members

26 mayo 2011

The Capacity Building Regional Structures Re-confirm Commitment to Support Members

Sixth Informal Meeting
Brussels, 09-10 May 2011

Back-to-back with the 2nd Capacity Building Committee (CBC) and the 10th Integrity Sub-Committee (ISC), more than 30 representatives of the Regional Offices for Capacity Building (ROCBs), the Regional Training Centres (RTCs) and the Vice-Chairs’ offices met in Brussels on 9-10 May 2011 for their 6th informal meeting. The meeting re-confirmed the fundamental role of the regional structures in the overall delivery of WCO Capacity Building support to Members and shared tangible results achieved so far in the regionalization process.

A substantial part of this year’s debates was devoted to the impact of CBC deliberations on the regional structures’ future directions of work, with specific focus on issues such as donor engagement, knowledge management, HR development and model career path for the Customs profession, further development and use of CLiKC! as a communication and regional training coordination tool, performance measurement of Capacity Building and resource mobilization. Participants were invited to share their views on the ways/means how CBC intersessional work in the above key areas could be progressed and on possible regional structure’s involvement and contribution.

Special attention was paid to innovative approaches related to donor liaison and expanding the regional structures’ stakeholders network such as the development of the Project Map in the Americas and Caribbean region. Participants also used the opportunity of regional break-out sessions to discuss more in-depth their respective regional ways forward between the ROCBs, the RTCs and the Vice Chair offices.

A dynamic interactive session took place during the second day of the meeting providing an overview of the concept and the core guiding principles for WCO Capacity Building, and giving the opportunity to regional structures to discuss in detail the Capacity Building delivery planning and management and their roles in terms of promotion/application of CB guiding principles; needs identification and assessment; CB planning and delivery; expert and resource mobilization; and monitoring/evaluation of progress. The participants shared views and regional experiences in assuring good knowledge of and continuous dialogue with regional members. It was agreed that results from regional members’ reform and modernization as well as regional structures’ own achievements should be shared more regularly to demonstrate progress and generate support.

As usual, the meeting also provided ample opportunity for the regional structures to present interesting and innovative initiatives and projects pursued on regional basis. Participants welcomed the idea of putting an even greater focus on the regionalization issues during the next Capacity Building Committee meeting in February 2012 and decided to hold the seventh ROCB/RTC informal meeting prior to the Third session of the CBC