16 mayo 2011
A new Customs journal
A new Customs publication is born. The Regional Training Centres of the Europe region have joined their efforts to create the Customs Scientific Journal: CUSTOMS.
This peer-reviewed publication will be published twice a year and gathers research papers from European scientists in the Customs field. It is published by the Academy of the Customs Service of Ukraine on behalf of the region.
The Customs Scientific Journal: CUSTOMS covers all aspects of the roles and responsibilities of customs with the focus on: Customs & Business Partnership, Professional education in the Customs domain, Implementation of WCO Standards, Best practices, Development of scientific activity. In addition, you will find some further broad sections: “Young researchers” and “Guests” (which means: papers by representatives of Customs Administrations/Customs Universities from other WCO regions), as well as Reference Material.
The first edition is available here.