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WColumbus Programme advisory mission to Gabon

23 mayo 2011
 Columbus Programme advisory mission to Gabon
23 to 27 May 2011

As part of Phase II of the WCO Columbus Programme, a mission to advise on the evaluation of the Gabon Customs Administration’s 2009-2013 Strategic Plan was conducted from 23 to 27 May 2011 by the WCO Secretariat and the Regional Office for Capacity Building for the West and Central Africa region (ROCB-WCA).

In Libreville, the mission was received by Gabon’s Director General of Customs and Indirect Taxes, Mr. Fridolin Onguinda, his deputies and advisors, the Steering Committee and the project managers appointed to lead the implementation of the reform project.

It transpired from the discussions that, since the 2006 diagnostic carried out by the WCO and with subsequent support from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Gabon has managed to produce a multi-year strategic plan and has launched twelve projects which are currently at the analysis and planning stage.

The focus of the mission was placed on analysing the challenges identified by the Gabon Administration in the area of management, co-ordination and effective implementation of the changes proposed in the reform project, as well as on devising solutions enabling the Administration to take greater ownership of the project and to bring the different undertakings into alignment with a holistic view of reform.

A meeting was also held with the private sector, attended by Customs management, and afforded an opportunity to note that sector’s expectations as well as its high level of satisfaction.

The WCO welcomes the projected progress and reiterates its readiness to support Gabon Customs in its Customs modernization process.