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Customs and Trade joint Communiqué on Sharing Knowledge to Inspire Trade Development and Economic Prosperity

28 noviembre 2011

Customs and Trade Joint Communiqué on Sharing Knowledge to Inspire Trade Development and Economic Prosperity

(Guangzhou Joint Communiqué)

We, the delegates at the 2011 World Customs and Trade Forum held by the World Customs Organization (WCO) in Guangzhou, China from 24 to 25 November 2011 and entitled “Knowledge, a Catalyst for Customs Excellence - Sharing Knowledge: Inspiration for Trade Development and Economic Prosperity”,

EXPRESS, that the international Customs community:

★ will continue to promote knowledge as a catalyst for Customs excellence, because Customs leaders need quality information and reliable analysis on which they can base their strategic decision-making and leadership to manage change and guide their organizations in the future.

★ will continue to enhance global trade security and facilitation as embodied in the WCO’s Revised Kyoto Convention, SAFE Framework of Standards, Harmonized System Convention and other conventions and instruments.

★ will continue to elevate the status of Customs in global trade management, and together achieve improved, effective, efficient and integrated modern Customs services.

★ will continue to expand its efforts to improve the sharing of material information between national Customs administrations, and study and explore the feasibility of a Globally Networked Customs (GNC) which is one of the building blocks in the WCO Customs in the 21st Century strategic vision.

★ will further enhance enforcement and coordinated law enforcement actions against all illicit trade, including the smuggling of narcotics and tobacco, as well as counterfeit and environmentally-sensitive goods.

★ will further improve the transparency of laws, regulations and judicial decisions to assist Trade in gaining an increased understanding and knowledge of Customs control and clearance requirements, in accordance with laws and regulations.

★ will continue to identify best practices and methods for speeding up Customs clearance of humanitarian relief consignments and of health and safety equipment needed in times of major natural disasters.

★ will continue to strengthen the delivery of capacity building; emphasizing the development of talent and skills, and the active establishment of a modern Customs culture that will enable Customs administrations to fulfill their obligations and provide a high quality and efficient service which is open, innovative, inclusive and harmonized.

ALSO EXPRESS, that Trade:

★ will continue to improve their compliance with Customs laws and regulations in order to contribute to trade facilitation, government finance, and community protection.

AND ALSO EXPRESS, that Customs and Trade:

★ will enhance information sharing and communication, working jointly to combat smuggling and other illegal activities, and encouraging an environment which promotes Customs compliance.

★ will further enhance this partnership through commitment to knowledge application, innovation, promotion and sharing, as well as by working together to analyze, evaluate and combat risk and resist trade protectionism, thereby meeting the challenge of economic recession and creating favourable outcomes which are mutually beneficial.

★ will continue to cooperate and share knowledge in order to promote trade development, trade compliance, trade facilitation, and thus economic prosperity.
