Customs-Business Cooperation Conference

07 octubre 2011

 Customs-Business Cooperation Conference
Ljubljana, 7 October 2011
At the invitation of Director General Rajko Skubic of Slovenia Customs, Secretary General Kunio Mikuriya spoke at the Customs-Business Cooperation Conference in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on 7 October 2011. The Conference was opened by the Minister of Finance, Dr. Franc Krizanic, who underlined the expanding mission of Customs in the current difficult macroeconomic environment.
Congratulating Slovenia Customs on the progress made over the past 20 years, Secretary General Mikuriya explained the WCO's strategic vision contained in the "Customs in the 21st Century" document that enables Customs to ensure connectivity at borders while protecting society. Director General Walter Deffaa of EU Taxud also commended the achievements of Slovenia Customs and charted out the future orientation of EU Customs.
Participants from the business sector confirmed their excellent cooperation with Customs and were pleased to learn that the initiatives and orientation of Slovenia Customs were in line with the EU and global standards to be part of the global trading system. They also suggested further possibilities for improvement, especially involving other agencies and Customs administrations of their trading-partner countries. An exhibition depicting the history and future of Slovenia Customs was opened at the Customs headquarters on this occasion.

Later, at the official celebration to mark the 20th Anniversary of Customs, the President of the Republic, Dr. Danilo Turk, expressed appreciation to Customs for its contribution to society. This was followed by speeches from Director General Skubic and Secretary General Mikuriya. The President expressed his view that the role and significance of Customs was not fully understood or recognized and that was why he had specifically wished to attend the Anniversary celebration. At the reception after the ceremony, the President spent a long time talking to individual Customs officers and expressed his respect for the contribution that Customs made to the State and to protecting citizens.