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Launch of WCO/Finland capacity building project for the ESA region

17 octubre 2011

Launch of WCO/Finland capacity building project for the East and Southern Africa (ESA) region
Nairobi, 13 October 2011

The WCO and Finland launched the multi-year capacity building project for the ESA region in Nairobi on 13 October 2011. Finnish expert Riitta Passi will coordinate the project from the Regional Office for Capacity Building (ROCB) in Nairobi. The programme has five components : management and leadership, interconnectivity with nCEN, coordinated border management, support for ROCB and assistance for Namibia.

At the launching ceremony, Commissioner General Michael Waweru of the Kenya Revenue Authority, the host administration of the ROCB in Nairobi, recalled the ROCB's creation in 2005 and welcomed this Customs modernization programme which is in line with the "Customs in the 21st Century" policy document.

Speaking in his capacity as Vice-Chair for the ESA region, Commissioner Vivekanand Ramburun of Mauritius Customs also expressed appreciation for the Finnish contribution to implement the regional strategy plan for capacity building. Director General Tapani Erling of Finnish Customs stressed the importance of good governance and Finnish Ambassador Sofie From-Emmesberger talked about her country's commitment to aid for trade.

Echoing the appreciation for the Finnish contribution, Secretary General Kunio Mikuriya expressed his wish to assist Customs in the region to assume connectivity at borders. Several Customs administrations, including the Directors General from Namibia, South Africa and Uganda, were also present at the ceremony.