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Colombia launches AEO programme

28 septiembre 2011

Colombia launches AEO programme

Colombia, 28-29 September 2011


At the invitation of the Colombian Government, WCO Deputy Secretary General Sergio Mujica participated in the launch of Colombia's AEO programme at a high-level event in Cartagena de Indias from 28-29 September 2011 attended by H.E. Juan Manuel Santos, the President of Colombia.

Many dignitaries were present at the ceremony including Juan Ricardo Ortega, Director of DIAN (Colombia's tax and Customs agency), Alan D. Bersin, Commissioner of US Customs and Border Protection, Antonio de la Ossa, Director General of Spanish Customs, and several representatives from national and international authorities.

It is important to highlight that the Colombian AEO programme enjoys strong political support and engagement by the Government as a whole, since not only Customs but also several other border agencies (Agriculture, Health, and Drugs Control) are part of the programme which provides benefits and the status of "trusted partner" to businesses that achieve certification.

Click here to read the President's speech ( available in Spanish only)