Special edition of the WCO Customs Scientific Journal (Europe Region)

25 mayo 2012

The special edition of the Customs Scientific Journal is devoted to the 60th Anniversary of the World Customs Organization (WCO). This publication, an initiative of the WCO Regional Office for Capacity Building (ROCB) and the Regional Training Centres (RTCs) for the Europe Region, offers a forum for academic partners and Customs practitioners to share, discuss and promote research, best practices and initiatives in the area of Customs. Each edition of the publication will contain research and articles by practitioners, together with news reports about projects and initiatives, including one section focusing on education in the Customs domain. There are further broad sections entitled “Young researchers” and “Guests” (papers by representatives of Customs administrations/Customs universities from other WCO regions), as well as reference materials.

We hope that reading these new articles written by Customs professionals from various countries in the Europe region and beyond will prompt you to consider submitting an article of your own for inclusion in a future edition (submission guidelines are available here).
The special edition of the Customs Scientific Journal is available here.