The WCO WACAM project further supports Cabo Verde in the field of Stakeholder Engagement!

18 diciembre 2013

In the framework of the West African Customs Administration Modernization (WACAM) project, financed by the Swedish government, the World Customs Organization (WCO) provides tailored assistance to the Customs administration of Cabo Verde with the development and implementation of a stakeholder engagement strategy according to best practices.   

From the 9th to the 13th of December 2013, members of the Cabo Verde Customs administration (CVCA)’s designated stakeholder engagement team worked together with WCO experts in Brussels to improve their stakeholder engagement strategy and to initiate the preparations linked to the establishment of CVCA first ever structured consultative forum.

The mission focused on finalizing the critical sections of the stakeholder engagement strategy and on identifying the pre-requisites to carry out and hold constructive consultations with key stakeholders.    

In 2014, the WACAM Project will continue to support CVCA in building capacity for implementing the newly developed stakeholder engagement strategy. The foreseen support will, notably, endeavor to assist the administration in setting up a consultative committee, enhance the capacity of the administration to manage external communications, and strengthen the ability of Customs officials to negotiate with partners.

For more information or queries, please contact the WCO WACAM Project Manager, Mr. Richard Chopra (