Report from the 4th Session of the Capacity Building Committee

13 marzo 2013

(Brussels, 25 – 27 February 2013)

"The urgency to act: from strategic planning to implementation"

A record-breaking number of 260 high-level participants from more than 80 WCO member administrations and more than 20 stakeholder organizations met at the 4th Capacity Building Committee session held in Brussels from 25 to 27 February 2013. The Secretary General of the WCO, Mr Kunio Mikuriya, opened the meeting by describing how capacity building fitted into the overall strategic approach of the WCO. He re-emphasized that capacity building was one of the key building blocks and foundations of the WCO. He encouraged the CBC to continue to guide the Secretariat, including by contributing to the Organizational Development Package (ODP) and ongoing Capacity Building delivery. The Director of the Capacity Building Directorate, Mr. Erich Kieck, explained that the ODP outlined the WCO’s basic approach towards organizational development and provided a simple and accessible overview of the texts, tools and instruments that related to this topic.

The theme for the opening panel session was "The urgency to act: from strategic planning to implementation" and put Members and their organizational development right from the beginning in the focus of discussion. The following sections were focused around the "3P" Agenda of Political will, Partnerships and People, that collectively constitute the key enablers for successful capacity building. Under the "Political will" theme, Performance Measurement was again discussed from the perspectives of delivery and development, by representatives including Member administrations and other international organizations. The CBC took note of delivery developments related to Columbus Programme Phase 3 since the 3rd Session, and endorsed the "Experts Guidelines for Columbus Programme Phase 3 Progress Evaluation – 2013". On partnership, the CBC emphasized the importance of securing a sustainable source of funding for capacity building, and encouraged all parties to maintain the momentum. The CBC welcomed contributions from members of the Private Sector Consultative Group (PSCG) who provided input for the Orientation Package for Policy-makers. In relation to the partnership with the academia, the CBC endorsed the PICARD 2020 Strategic Document, as well as the amended PICARD recognition guidelines on customs education and training curricula. On the theme of People, the CBC was informed through a summary of work done since the last CBC meeting on the topic of Professionalism in Customs. The CBC approved to further roll-out the leadership and management development program, including the module on Gender equality and diversity.

The Chairperson of the Committee, Mr. Chris Henderson, commented on the high level of engagement and enthusiasm for the Committee’s activities and invited Members and stakeholders to further contribution and share case studies, practices on the relevant subjects. He also expressed great appreciation of the various side events organized during the CBC4 week.

More Information

More information can be found in the Exechtive Summary