As part of a continuous effort to enhance donor coordination and collaboration and to strengthen networking, the 6th WCO – AMS/CB regional entities strategic meeting and the 4th regional donor meeting for the Americas and Caribbean took place at the Inter-American Development Bank headquarters in Washington D.C., between the 28th of January and the 1st of February 2013.
Prior to the donor meeting, the regional entities (Vice chair of the region, ROCB, RTC´s, RILO´s and Comalep) worked together to initiate the development of a Regional Risk Management Strategy as well as a Regional Entities working group strategy. These strategies will support the priorities of the region emanating from Customs reform and modernization processes.
The 4th regional donor meeting was opened by Mr. Antoni Estevadeordal, Manager Sector of Integration and Trade for IDB and Mr. Erich Kieck, WCO Capacity Building Director, who highlighted the importance of the event and the progress that have been made as a result of the past 3 meetings. Participants reviewed current and proposed projects, discussed ways of overcoming implementation challenges and opportunities for collaboration on projects to ensure more integrated results. Special guests included Mr Enrique Canon, the Vice Chairperson of the region and Mr. Chris Henderson, the Chair of the Capacity Building Committee, who shared their perspectives on donor coordination. Colleagues from the Customs administrations of China, Japan, Korea and Spain also participated in the event.
In addition to the regional donor meeting, the WCO Director for Capacity Building had the opportunity to discuss with Mr. Estevadeordal the positive impact of the joint efforts of the IDB and the WCO in the past few years in Latin America and the Caribbean region and opportunities to expand on this. Erich also used the opportunity to meet with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank on joint projects. The 5th annual meeting will take place at the IMF Headquarters next year.