National Workshop on the Time Release Study in ANGOLA

07 noviembre 2013

From 14 to 18 October 2013, the World Customs Organization held a national preparatory and familiarization workshop on the Time Release Study (TRS). This three-day Workshop was held for the benefit of officials in the Angola Customs Administration and a number of participants from other agencies and departments involved in the Customs clearance and release of goods from the Port and Airport of Luanda. Mr. Takashi Matsumoto (External Relations Co-ordinator in the Office of the Secretary General) and Mr. Samson Bilangna (Technical Officer in the Facilitation and Procedures Sub-Directorate) spoke as experts, giving participants an account of the methodology to be followed in conducting the TRS, the development of a process map, the national experience of a number of countries that had already conducted the TRS, and use of the WCO software for the TRS.

This Workshop was attended by more than 40 participants representing the Customs Administration, the Ministry of Trade, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Chamber of Commerce, the Union of Customs Brokers and Clearing Agents, the Port and Airport Authorities, the National Council of Angolan Shippers (CNCA), the operators of the Port of Luanda container terminals, etc. The high level of attendance at this event was a reflection of how much importance the Customs Administration and all those involved in Customs clearance in Angola attach to this initiative.

The Workshop ended with a proposal to set up a team tasked with conducting the Time Release Study at the beginning of 2014 or earlier. This team will consist of 10 members drawn from the Customs Administration, the private sector and other services operating at the country’s borders.