National AEO Workshop in Bangladesh

23 septiembre 2013

In cooperation with the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the WCO participated from 17-19 September at a national workshop on implementing an Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) programme in Bangladesh. The three day workshop was organized and funded by the ADB. Yoshihiro Kosaka, Head of WCO ROCB Asia Pacific Region and Asha Menon, Technical Officer from WCO presented background information on the WCO SAFE Framework of Standards, AEO Programme requirements and benefits, and examples of international best practices.

The workshop was attended by Mr. Md. Farid Uddin(Member Customs) Bangladesh National Board of Revenue, and 26 Customs officials including several Commissioners and other high ranking officials.To support Customs-Business partnerships, representativesfrom the Chamber of Commerce, Clearing and Forwarding Agents, Customs Agents, the Port Authority, the Tariff Commission, and several businesses participated during the last day of the workshop. The level of participation reflected the importance that Bangladesh Customs accords this initiative.

The workshop achievements included an action plan, the establishment of an AEO Implementation Team, and the delineation of programme criteria including requirements and benefits.