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WCO National Single Window Workshop in Albania

05 mayo 2015

Tirana, 14-17 April

At the request of the Albanian General Directorate of Customs related to one of their strategic objectives in the area of Trade Facilitation, the WCO conducted a National Single Window Workshop for Albanian Customs in Tirana, Albania from 14 to 17 April 2015. The event was funded by the Customs Co-operation Fund (CCF)/ Japan and facilitated by two experts from the WCO Secretariat.

Over the course of the 4 days’ workshop, the national environment in Albania was examined in further detail. Specific emphasis was put on the importance of Coordinated Border Management as the foundation for the establishment of a Single Window approach. In terms of strategic planning and sequencing, participants learnt about necessary steps such as initial functional assessment, business process analysis, data harmonization, and the WCO Data Model.

The WCO Secretariat will continue to help Albanian Customs with their modernization efforts, and especially with the envisaged implementation of their National Single Window.
