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Ecuador hosts a WCO National Workshop on Customs Laboratories and sampling procedures

30 octubre 2015

With sponsorship of CCF Japan, a WCO National Workshop on Customs Laboratories and sampling procedures was held in the headquarters of Ecuador Customs in Guayaquil, from 26 to 28 October 2015.

At the opening of the Workshop, Ms. Claudia Buitron, National Director of the Classification Unit of Ecuador Customs, highlighted the importance of correct sampling and appropriate sample handling by the Customs Laboratory to ensure the correct classification of many commodities in the Harmonized System (HS). Also present at the opening, Mr. Miguel Padilla, National Director of the Risk Management Unit, thanked the representatives from the WCO Secretariat's Tariff and Trade Affairs Directorate for facilitating the discussions on the sampling procedures and the modernization of the Customs Laboratory in Ecuador.

During the Workshop the participants discussed relevant areas of sampling such as sample management, custody, safety and legal framework as well as the necessary equipment required for sampling in Ecuador Customs. The participants also discussed the possibilities for revision and improvement of the National Sampling Manual in order to reflect the best practices on the matter. A detailed overview of the SAMANCTA (Sampling Manual for Customs and Tax Authorities), published by the EU, was also provided to the attendants.

The Workshop was closed by Mr. Miguel Padilla. In his remarks, he thanked the WCO for its contribution to the modernization of Ecuador Customs. He emphasized again the importance of correct sampling procedures for the Customs Laboratory to arrive at correct and uniform classification of certain commodities in the HS and in the national Customs tariff. He also pointed out that the Customs Laboratory was an important factor for the well-functioning of the Ecuador Customs Administration.
