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51st Session of the Harmonized System Review Sub-Committee concludes

19 diciembre 2016

The Harmonized System (HS) 2017 Edition enters into force on 1 January 2017.  However, work on the next set of amendments, which is scheduled for implementation in 2022 (HS 2022), has already commenced and from 12 to 16 December 2016, the HS Review Sub-Committee met at WCO Headquarters in Brussels and considered a wide range of amendments to the HS submitted by HS Contracting Parties and international organizations.  The agreed amendments to HS 2022 will be compiled over the next two years and submitted to the WCO Council for adoption in June 2019.

Half a day was devoted to a special session titled “HS 2022 - Dialogue with stakeholders”.  During this session, representatives from the industry, Customs brokers and WCO Member administrations made presentations on various topics related to the updating of the HS Nomenclature.  Representatives from the automotive and semiconductor industries explained trends in technology and future developments and the impact those may have on tariff classification in the future.  A representative from the International Federation of Customs Brokers Associations explained the impact of HS changes on the business community, in particular the preparation for implementation, the challenges in relation to updating of internal systems and the importance of partnership with the national Customs administrations.  Representatives from two WCO Members explained how they cooperate with industry with an attempt to update the HS Nomenclature in accordance with the needs of industry.

The Sub-Committee welcomed the presentations that provided good inspiration for its further work and for better interaction with the private sector.