Towards the full and effective implementation of the WTO TFA in Jordan

23 febrero 2017

The World Customs Organization (WCO), with the support of China Customs Cooperation Fund (CCF China), organized a National Workshop on “Implementing the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement through Mercator Programme” from 19 to 23 February 2017 in Amman, Jordan.

This very timely initiative coincided with the entry into force of the WTO TFA particularly as Jordan submitted its instruments of acceptance on 22 February 2017, bringing the total number of countries to the required threshold of 110.

During the Workshop, the representatives from WCO presented the latest development of TFA notification, ratifications and the establishment of the National Committees on Trade Facilitation, as well as the Mechanism for the TFA. They also introduced WCO’s activities of technical assistance and capacity building under the Mercator Programme in assisting Members with the implementation of the TFA by using WCO instruments and tools.

The Workshop provided a good opportunity for the participants to discuss the issues of establishing NCTF, applying Advance Rulings in Customs, Coordinated Border Management, Customs Brokers, AEO Programmes development, Risk Management, Post clearance Audit, Time Release Study, Single Window, etc. Participants also shared their national experience and lessons learned in implementing the trade facilitation measures.

As Jordan, has already met many of the requirements of the TFA, the workshop offered also the occasion to highlight the modernization and reform achievements in this area. An action plan to achieve better implementation of the trade facilitation tools under the WCO’s Mercator Programme was discussed with the participants before the closing ceremony.