WCO conducts a diagnostic on the capacity of KRA to enforce the CITES Convention

03 febrero 2017

Under the auspices of the INAMA project, the WCO conducted a five day mission to Mombasa (Kenya) to make an in-depth diagnostics about the capacity of the Kenya Customs administration to enforce the CITES Convention. The mission took place from 16th to 20 January 2017. The diagnostic was conducted through the use of the Institutional Assessment Tool developed under the auspices of the WCO-INAMA project, and was based on the self-assessment conducted by KRA with the help of this tool. 

In conducting this diagnostic, the WCO experts met with relevant personnel from KRA. The KRA delegation was headed by Mr. Swaleh Faraj, Head of Enforcement, Port of Mombasa.

During the mission the Logical Framework Approach (LFA) was applied to set up an annual work plan. This work plan will make it possible for the KRA to receive further support under the auspices of the INAMA project.

The mission represented an important step in defining the future cooperation between KRA and the WCO in fighting illegal wildlife trade.

This specific mission was funded by Sweden.

For more information about this mission and the WCO-INAMA Project, please contact the WCO-INAMA project manager, Marco Foddi (marco.foddi@wcoomd.org).